What is Fictional Therapy?

Hi, I’m Emma, and I’m a writer, actor and bookseller based in London. I’ve spent far too much time thinking about what stories can teach us, and how they can comfort us in hard times. You can read more about me here: Emma Hemingford

Fictional Therapy is an advice column. It uses insights from classic literature to shed light on your modern-day problems. So, you might learn what Jane Austen’s novels can teach us about red flags, or what Charlotte Bronte’s work has to say about self-reliance. It’s an agony aunt column for book nerds. If you have ever been described as earnest, pretentious, or sentimental (hi, twin!) then you might like it.

Why not subscribe to read more, or send me your problem? At best, you’ll get some good advice. At worst, you’ll be comforted by the fact that olden days people dealt with the same major heartbreaks & petty grievances that we agonise over today.

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I’ll do my best to solve it with advice from classic literature: Tell me what’s on your mind

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Subscribe to Fictional Therapy

Your literary agony aunt. I solve your problems with advice from classic books.


Writer & actor represented by United Agents. Next: Foreverland at The Southwark Playhouse this October. Past work shortlisted for The Papatango Prize and The Alpine Fellowship Theatre Prize. Currently under commission to Empire Street Productions.